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The Book of Enoch The Book of Enoch was a book written by Enoch, an ancient Judeo-Christian prophet. The recorded history is believed to be 1,000 years before the birth of Jesus. It is believed that it never became canonical scripture and was instead excluded from the Old Testament and then later from the New Testament. The date and events that the book covers remain controversial as scholars disagree on whether or not were actually events that occurred or whether it is mere fable meant to teach moral lessons. The Book of Enoch is divided into five sections and is made up of the following: The Book of Giants: Is the setting for the book as it explains how fallen Angels sired giant children. The offspring were terrible creatures who devoured all but a remnant of mankind. They were originally created as Nephilim (giants) as they aspired to become like God by knowing good and evil. The Giants led humanity into corruption and violence, the earth was deemed unfit to sustain them, and they were destroyed in a great flood. According to Enoch, there was a war in Heaven between angels and their leader Satan (who is also known as Sataqa). The Book of Watchers: This book describes an ancient war between the angels and satan. According to Enoch, God asked angels to rule over humanity until their sin was erased, after which they were free to return to Heaven. However, satan convinced some fallen angels to disobey God and remain on earth. The book then describes the deeds of the fallen angels (the Watchers) that led to mankind's downfall; although many of its figures are similar to figures in other ancient literature, Enoch makes no mention of the character of Adam. The Book of Parables: Enoch claims that this book contains true descriptions about Earthly matters recorded by divine revelation. This book is interpreted as Enoch's explanation of the cosmology he described in Genesis 6. The earth takes shape, stars are formed, and chaos breaks out. The description of the formation of man begins with the creation of two angels who create humanity through procreation, then describes why solar energy is unsuitable for life on Earth. The angels then turn to their leader satan to assist them in creation; however, satan has no interest in helping them and instead creates an inferior race called the Nephilim (giants), which leads to mankind's destruction. The Epistle of Enoch: This book is Enoch's prophecy of the coming messiah, who will die to save the human race. Another significant part of this book is that it claims that before the deluge, satan influenced mankind to construct huge buildings. It also mentions the story of Noah and how he journeyed to safety with his family while everyone else was perishing in a great flood which itself took place due to man's corruption. The Epistle thus talks about Judgment Day, when souls will be judged and sorted into either Heaven or Hell.


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